Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A scooter ride that I missed!

I remember this hilarious incident about my husband when we were in Jamshedpur. When children went off to another city for higher studies, it was just me and him, and he and myself, the only people in the house.

Oh! what a bore, when children are not around! Time seemed to have stopped. My husband would be content to sit with a book in his hand, which was like a curtain between us! What to do with my time was my problem.

One day, I told him to take me to my brother's house which was not very nearby, which means we had to take the scooter. He agreed and we went to our scooter. Well, he started the scooter but Oh! God! before I could perch on the pillion seat, he drove off!!. He went all the way to my brother's place without missing me and found I was not there only after reaching the destination. He came back and we two had a hearty laugh. I think it happens with aging husbands ;)


  1. Aww! Funny and sweet at the same time :).

  2. Very cool nice one...I am wondering how come dad did not see the rear view mirror!

  3. dear mami, a simple lesson to all us told in a humorous way.. i hope and pray that i can smile at life's problems as they come - small and big!

