Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My 10 Gurus

The 10 gurus from whom I learned life's lessons...

     A child ---no inhibition. The child does not know to differentiate between  good or bad. man or woman. I get the lesson of non differentiating from a child.
      Earth---whatever you do to earth, dig, blast, plant trees, uproot trees  or spit or build a temple or building a cemetery. Earth is quiet and does not rebel, and I learn patience from earth.
      Sky---It is so vast, wherever you go it is there, allows the sun to rise and set, allows the moon to come and go, lets the rain fall, holds the clouds, helps the clouds to get water from earth.The sky teaches me generosity.
      Breath---from the day we are born it goes in and out without stop. No matter whether we sleep or wake up or we are laughing or crying. whether we are eating or are hungry, it goes on . A person rich or poor, intelligent or stupid, active or lazy but his breath goes  in and out till his death. The lesson is--- to live with people without inhibition.
     Water---water is present in river, lake, gutter, drains, puddles, sea.  It is used for bathing, washing, and it's job is cleaning. The lesson is---we too can clean our inner self by nama sankeertana. The trickling of water, the sound of waves, the sound of water falls all give joy to the heart, so will nama japa.
     Agni/Fire-- it will burn off anything but leaves nothing to take back. It teaches me to burn away my bad thoughts and deeds through Bhakti.
     Chandran/Moon---it rises on sky with a thin line  and then grows slowly to full moon like a ball.again slowly  it diminishes and gets extinct. So is our life comes, grows and dies off. I learn the lesson of the temporary nature of our life from moon.
     Sun----no discrimination whether it is a valley or mountain peak, river or puddle, it shines on all. The clouds with so much moisture hides him but he is still there. The lesson is I learn is that without ego he shines everyday  irrespective of  anything. I learn to shun EGO from the Sun.
     Ocean--- the sea never complains number of people bathing everyday, the boats, the ship whatever goes on it the ocean is patient. Neither does it increase when it rains nor it decreases when the sun shines over it. The lesson is to remain the same irrespective of situation.
     Python---the quality of python is he will never go in search of its food, but will grab whatever comes to it and eat well and then never disturb the circumstance. We too should be content with what he have and not go hunting for extra things.

(translated from a Tamil book)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Do not wait... start now!

In a man's life  happiness and unhappiness  come and go,
some parts of life are easy going and passes off smoothly.
some parts of life are not that smooth or easy.
And when man thinks his days of unhappiness
is stretched long or it is not passing off fast.
What does he do?

This is like when one is healthy and can work without any problem,
he does not remember to do any exercise or monitor his health.
When there is pain or he puts on weight he goes to the doctor,
and the doctor advises him to do exercise and take care of his body.
The man finds it difficult  to exercise when the body is in pain,
he realizes that he should have practiced when he was healthy enough.

Similarly, when a man's life is smooth, he should do good things
like charity, be kind to human beings and animals and be noble.

There is a nice story to portray this concept:.
In certain kingdom the people there appointed a king to rule the place.
He could rule for 5 years as he wanted and live lavishly or to his will, but
After 5 years he will be sent to jungle, from where there is no escape for him.
He may be killed by the ferocious animals there or whatever his fate.
Some chose to rule the place thinking the 5 years will be a luxury for them.
But after 2 or 3 years they start brooding over ther fate awaiting in future.
One king came forward and offered that he will be happy to rule for 5 years.
People agreed and let him rule.
The years passed by  1 2 3 years passed off and this king remained the same
He was happy and ruled well. 5 years ended and he still looked happy,
People were surprised, what secret or magic this king has!!
On the last day he was to be taken to the jungle,
where they had to cross a river.
The king happily got into the boat and enjoyed the ride.
People who were taking him to the jungle could not control their curiosity!
They asked him of the secret, for this the king replied
While "I was ruling your place, I could do anything of my choice,
So I created a kingdom for myself in this jungle where you are taking me.
When I go there I'll be only ruling there."

Like this when we are young we should lead a healthy life so that when we grow old or sick, we will be able to face whatever comes. And as for our spiritual health, our Bhagavad Gita teaches this. Not that we should learn or attend to Gita class when we are old or retired but to start now!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


     FIVE   FACTS   OF    LIFE.

1.  Don't  educate your  children   to  be  rich.
    Educate  them  to be Happy.
    So when  they  grow  up  they'll know the 

    value   of   things    not   the  price.

2.  Eat  your  food  as   your  medicines.
     Otherwise   you  have  to  eat   medicines
     as  your   food.

3. There  is  a  lot  of  difference  between    
    human  being  and  being  human.  A  few
   understand  it.

4.  You  are  loved  when  you  are  born.
     You  will  be  loved  when  you  die.
    In  between  you  have  to  manage.

5. If  you  want  to  walk  fast  you   walk  alone.
    But  if  you  want  to  walk  far  walk  together.